And the Forgotten Kingdom

The hole in my own heart of losing someone you love in a relationship never goes away. Once in love, always in love. Love truly does conquer all and is worth fighting for no matter the cost.

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In this dynamic fairy tale set in 1821, a teenage girl named Anadella falls in love with her best friend, James. A tragic event takes place when James falls off of a cliff, and to her utter despair, she believes that he is dead until her grandmother explains to her the unexplainable; James may be alive. Anadella sets out on an adventurous journey alone to save and be with the love of her life. She not only obtains friends along the way that she will always remember, but in the end is reunited with her royal family, and twin sister from whom she was separated at birth.

Justin Cox

Justin Parker Cox

Justin Cox, a freelance writer, poet, and children’s eBook author, grew up in Niagara Falls, New York, and graduated with an Advanced Regents Diploma in Business from Wilson Central High School in 2005. He later moved to the state of Michigan and in 2010 graduated from Grace Baptist College with a Bachelor Degree in Theology.

He authored the book The Substitute Atonement in 2009 which was self-published through Create Space in 2011. Later in 2011 he designed and launched the search engine and in 2012 started began to compile evidence for a new work, The Dispensation of Time. In this work he eloquently combines science and Scripture to present an intriguing theory about reality and our present knowledge of black holes.

This work, however, was put on hold after a vivid dream he experienced in 2013 about the loss of a loved one. Over the next six months, he transcribed the dream to paper producing the first book of a children’s series, Anadella and the Forgotten Kingdom. The second book of this series will be published next year.